Thursday, March 7, 2013

Christine Kuo Framed as a 'Hostess'

At a jewelry company's dinner located in Shenzhen, Christine Kuo, Oceane Zhu and Kayi Cheung were present. All three ladies were spotted dressed in low cut dresses, showing off their body figures. They were reportedly drinking and chatting happily with the owners and enjoying their time at the event. 
Christine Kuo Accused of Being a 'Hostess'
Christine Kuo is labeled as one of TVB's rising goddesses. It isn't particularly surprising that the media would take this opportunity to deduce her as the 'hostess' at the dinner party. Perhaps it was due to her revealing dress coupled with the hyped environment that this label was assigned to her. 
In response, Christine said, "It was only a dinner set up by our managers and the owners of the jewelry company. Eric Tsang was present. Such a simple dinner, but the Hong Kong tabloids had to take this opportunity to imply otherwise. I don't know what is considered a 'good' or 'bad' dinner but I am attending a dinner pertains to my work." She further expressed her displeasure towards the media, "This tube dress is purposely worn to showcase the jewelry. I am only politely engaging a conversation with my clients. That is all. At this point, I can't control what the HK media does or says." She assured the press that she will say no to improper dinners. 
Original: Ming Pao

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