Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Frankie Lam Spends Time With Family

With CTI facing huge licensing dilemmas, Frankie Lam's (林文龍) new drama, The Three-Sided Doctors (三面形醫), is unable to air. While filming the new drama, Frankie suffered an injury to his leg and has been seen on crutches. He is recovering slowly. Not wanting to waste this precious opportunity while off from work, he has been an active father and husband spending quality time with his family.

Frankie emphasized that ever since his daughter was born, both him and his wife, Kenix Kwok (郭可盈), are putting in extra effort to spend more time with her. He said, "I don't have work right now. I spend all my time with my daughter. I know to treasure this time now since things will change when she grows up. I am going to work hard and earn all the money I can to help with her future. We don't have any plans to have a son as of now because we want to put all focus on our daughter." After hearing this short response from Frankie, one can see just how much he has embraced his role as a father and he is happily enjoying every second of it. 

Play Dates with Raymond Cho's Son
According to an inside source, "Frankie's daughter is very cute. Both her parents absolutely loves and spoils her very much. They have regular play dates with Raymond Cho (曹永廉) and his son. Raymond Cho's son is two years older than Frankie's daughter. The two get along quite well and enjoy one another's company." 

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